My current love affair

Ever have that feeling where everything is going wrong? You're just waiting for the other shoe to drop thinking, "what is gonna happen next?🙄"

It feels like you’re completely knocked off your path. 

Some of us n’betweeners like to be on "top of everything." Sometimes called perfectionists, we plan ahead, work hard, and try to predict. 

And then this unexpected thing happens, and we fall into a void 🕳

These mishaps feel like burdens weighing us down and it’s defeating. You may be at your capacity for hardship, but I want to encourage you that a struggle always comes with some sort of benefit.

When we are experiencing a difficult time in our life, it’s hard to realize the blessing we are being gifted.

The lesson we're being taught. The message we need to hear.

Here is what Brené Brown encourages 👇

“Have a love affair with the thing you're most afraid of.” 

In this podcast with Glennon Doyle she shares: "There’s nothing more powerful than that, than not running from that thing but saying 'I’m going to invite you to be with me, this thing that I am the most afraid of and teach me what is it that.'"

Currently my love affair is facing my fear of living in New York. Ultimately I'd love to live n'between NYC and Colorado. Yet it terrifies me to "start over," to believe that it is possible.

Is it possible that you can learn to love what feels like is putting you off track? 

Can that burden actually be a blessing? 

Hindsight is 20/20. We see more clearly in retrospect. Think of that time when an obstacle was actually a stepping stone leading you to something much greater than you could have ever imagined. 

I know this can be hard.

When you need a little extra comfort, look for support along the way.

You know those little signs that give you peace of mind? Those symbols reassure you that you are in congruence with yourself even if it feels like the world around you is on fire. 

That may be a conversation with a stranger, a recurring number, a song, or even an animal. 

Life isn’t always easy. Things change. People come and go and the small moments, the little signs can be so reassuring. It’s like a whisper from the universe that there is a blessing on the way for you.

Realize that your struggle has a purpose. Your pain has intent. Make the most of your situation and be grateful for what you do have. It’s all leading you where you’re meant to be.

I’m wishing you blessings on blessings ✨

Off I go to NYC.




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