Use this exercise to spot your incongruences

Here is the tricky problematic thing that tends to happen at the beginning of the year.

You get incongruent ๐Ÿซฃ

With a new year comes a whole lotta expectations. 2024 calls for new attitudes, new energy, and of course that list of goals and resolutions. They come with the best of intentions, but often these are not reflective of you.

You may be putting pressure on yourself to set certain goals. So you set up unrealistic unkind expectations towards yourself. 

Here is a simple way you can identify if you're being slightly incongruent with yourself ๐Ÿ‘‡

You'll start your sentences with one of the following:

  • "I should..."

  • "I've got to..."

  • "I must..."

These phrases often indicate that you're likely not being authentic, but rather putting some "ideal" of who you should be like, or injecting a goal that matters to someone else.

Sometimes we set goals based on what we think "should" matter to us. We get influenced by societal expectations, our friends and family, and the people we look up to. The problem is we then inject their values and what matters to them, we lose ourselves and try to be someone we're not.

So, I want to ask you: What incongruent expectations are you placing on yourself this year? 

Be real here. These are often unconscious. What intentions or expectations have you set for 2024 that actually do not honor the essence and brilliance of who you are.

Now see if you can allow yourself to set congruent meaningful goals. If you struggle identifying what actually matters to you, take a look at 2023. 

What did 2023 demonstrate mattered to you? What were you inspired to do? What did you manage to achieve?

Goals take time. Growth takes time. 

And THAT IS OKAY. When we do what is most valuable to us, we keep going even when we face challenges. This does not happen when we do things out of "shoulds."

So, as you work towards your goals for the new year, keep checking in with yourself. Is this what matters to me or is this something I've been told should matter to me. 

I know youโ€™re going to do some amazing things. Big things and some really small things. 

Happy New Year!




Scared of happiness? ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


You holding 2023 grudges? ๐Ÿ˜’