I have an *important* question to ask you👇

Picture this: you're glued to the couch, tired, maybe even depressed. You feel like you have energy for absolutely NOTHING.

Then this powerful thing happens.

Suddenly you're standing, and a rush of energy moves through your body.


"What allowed that to happen?" you ask.

Well, unfortunately, I don't have the answer for you. BUT here is a question that will help you answer it.

What do you spontaneously LOVE doing? 

Like no matter the time of day, what do you always have energy for?

Do you always have energy to cook, problem-solve, spend time with your kids, or maybe dance to afrobeats?

Take the time to answer this question with intention and care. Don't judge, or minimize the answer. If you give yourself permission to be curious, you'll begin to intimately know yourself and open great doors for you.

Here is my answer to this question:

I love asking people deep questions.

It gives me immense joy to help people genuinely know themselves. 

Just the other week, instead of going to bed on a Wednesday evening, I stayed up until 1AM with a friend nerding about her inspirations.

People who first meet me often will say: "Nora, you ask really good questions." A friend who overhears will then follow up and say "Oh it's cause she is a therapist."

But it's all backwards. I love supporting people know themselves by asking them questions, hence WHY I chose to become a therapist. 

All my life I have been filled with emotional depth and curiosity. Yet I always deemed it as "bad," "stupid," or "too intense."

But in May of 2011 I finally took myself seriously.

Believe it or not, that serious inspiring-aha-moment happened over fries and nuggets at a McDonalds in Buenos Aires. I was hanging out with my Brazilian teammate LaĂ­s.

I took a breath and found the courage to announce this to her.

-“Laís, I’ve something I’m scared to share with you”

She looked at me with surprise.

- â€śI want to be a psychotherapist”

Terrified of what her response would be, I looked away.

- â€śDuuuuh! Of course Nora! That makes so much sense.”

My eyes watered as I smiled with nervousness. 

At the time I had studied business and communications, a path I thought was “the right one” but never actually aligned with my core.

When we start knowing what we spontaneously love doing we begin to get congruent.

Claiming what you want is the bravest step you can take in your life.

Let me tell you this - the path to becoming a psychotherapist was far from easy. A rodeo show filled with challenges.

That said, when we get congruent, and clear on what we want, we turn these challenges into learning opportunities. We're inspired to fulfill them.

The most important step in coming closer to ourselves and our purpose is to first claim it. 

It’s NOT having the perfect CV.

It’s NOT doing the practical pieces.

It’s NOT knowing the “right people.”

It’s NOT doing all the research.

It’s to actually claim what you truly want - and not what you think you want. 

Today I feel privileged to work with n’betweeners from around the world. To witness as incredible beings share their life and deepest vulnerabilities with me.

For the past months, I’ve been able to be with my friends and family in Europe and the US while I work remotely with my clients. My two worlds beautifully meet. 

Not only that, I get to meet some of the clients I’ve never met in person in their hometowns. Anywhere from Paris to New York to LA.

Do you struggle feeling what your purpose is? 

Book a consultation with me and I'll do my favorite thing: ask questions :)

Let's help you do what you love.




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